Private & Semi-Private Dance Classes
Members & Non Members, All Ages
Want some extra one on one time with a dance instructor? Have that itch to get pushed a little bit further? Call us to schedule private dance lessons and reach your goals. Lessons are taught by one of our professional staff members and can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you (schedule permitting).
Private Dance Lessons
Members: $50 / hour
Non-Member: $68 / hour
Semi Private Lessons*
Member: $60 / hour
Non-Member: $81 / hour
* Semi Private lessons consist of 2-3 individuals. At least one person in the Semi-Private Lesson must be JCC Member in order to obtain Member Rate. Semi-Private rates are split between the individuals attending the lesson.
Questions? Contact
Performing Arts Director
Esther Katz at (402) 334-6406

Purchase Your Lessons
Call Us
Member Services (402) 334-6426
Stop By
333 South 132nd Street Omaha, NE 68154